Our neighbour had complained that one of our trees was overhanging his workshop roof and, in the recent gales, bits of the tree had started to fall down. Steven and Ken decided to become lumberjacks for the day and fell the tree. At it was overhanging the neighbours property, all hands were requried on deck as the tree was roped up and bits of it were cut off with a chainsaw.
Ever the opportunist, Ken seized the chance to pose for a few pictures in preparation for his forthcoming phone call to a "no-win-no-fee" claims company.

Ever the opportunist, Ken seized the chance to pose for a few pictures in preparation for his forthcoming phone call to a "no-win-no-fee" claims company.
Unfortunately, he missed the point that one actually needs to be injured in the accident; and that crawling under the tree whilst posing for a photo doesn't actually count! No doubt we'll be hearing from his lawyers in due course.

"Bah. Humbug!"
Meanwhile, Simon completed the work on the tiling of the bathroom and some minor adjustments to the electrical system. Much more sensible inside tasks whilst the weather was approaching zero degrees outside.
On a recent "expedition" to a local brocante shop, we spied a rather nice dark wood dresser to go with our dining table and chairs. This was purchased at a very reasonable price and delivered straight away. It goes really well in the dining room with the other furniture. We also managed to bag two single beds for the second bedroom into the bargain!

On a recent "expedition" to a local brocante shop, we spied a rather nice dark wood dresser to go with our dining table and chairs. This was purchased at a very reasonable price and delivered straight away. It goes really well in the dining room with the other furniture. We also managed to bag two single beds for the second bedroom into the bargain!
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