Sunday, 1 June 2008

Another Visit to Creuse

Whit week was spent in the north of Creuse negotiating with builders, carpenters and the Mairie. The Notaire advised us that he is now ready for us to sign the acte de vente. We stayed in a Gite in the village with a British couple, Jeanette and Ken, who made us feel very welcome.

We met the Mairie and talked about what improvements we hope to make to the building. We need to apply for permission to make some of the changes, so we were furnished with the necessary blank forms and told to complete them and provide more plans and photographs and to send 5 copies of everything!

During the past 3 weeks the back garden has turned into something resembling a rainforest. The rain over the past week has done nothing to help things. A quick dose of weedkiller should do the trick!

Here are a photos of the surrounding area:

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