Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Clearing out the Barn and the Forge

October 2010 and Steven was aided by our friends Pat and Leslie in some Autumn clearance of the barn (to make a new workshop) and to start to clear out the old forge. Steven decorated a cake to celebrate Ken and Jeanette's 25th wedding anniversary. Sadly, the trip was cut short as Steven's mother passed away during the week necessitating a swift return to the UK.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Summer 2010

During the summer break, we took the opportunity to finish some of the remaining work inside the house. This included completing the en-suite bathroom, furnishing the new third bedroom, installing ballustrade (which helps to avoid one falling down the stairs in the dark!), replacing the final window in the hallway and putting up curtains.

Towards the end of our stay, we were aided and abetted by Tina, Mark and Hannah!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Civil Partnership

Having become "Civilised" in the UK, we spent our honeymoon in Paris for a few nights before travelling to the house for the remainder of our holiday. We were able to continue our Civil Partnership celebrations with our friends in Creuse courtesy of Ken and Jeanette, who held a barbecue in their garden for us (big thanks to K&J). These are a few of the highlight photographs

Friday, 30 April 2010

Easter 2010

Having cleared out the weeds and brambles in the back garden, we were able to see just how large the plot of land was!

And having spent some further time working in the attic conversion, we were well on the way to installing the ensuite bathroom in there.