Here are some of the motley crew who helped us over the summer..

Mark - in charge of "inventions", renowned for asking questions at the most inopportune moments and supervisor of all children's channels.

Danni - grouter extraordinaire, remembered for her morning "dashes" to the village toilet before her first ciggie of the day, and champion texter!

Michael - joined at the hip to Danni, expert plasterer. Virtually nocturnal - do not disturb before 10:30.

Simon H - winner of the most annoying ring-tone award and support to Steven; can do most things without complaining.

Steven - fixer of everything and Brico-Depot's best customer 2008

Simon - electrician, slave-driver and organiser/planner of everything.
Liz (not pictured) - fantastic cook, expert painter and decorator, breath of fresh air when we needed it the most!

Ken and Jeanette (aka Barbie) - who provided a regular place of refuge, lots of wine and coffee and use of their shower facilities!